Saturday, January 1, 2011

Its Just Another New Year's Eve

Hello my lovelies,

As Barry Manilow says it so well... "Its Just another New Year's Eve, Another night like all the rest." Happy New Year. Another gone and with so little fanfare. But what an amazing one, My honey finally published his book. My girls are now becoming. My little family unit is consolidating. And often I have thought of my mother this year.

Mom... I seem to miss her more and more. I am slowly understanding all the hardships she went through and how much she hid from me. Each hardship was an adventure. Each move or strife a choice not consequence. I often miss her guidance. I hear Barry Manilow, her favorite singer, when I am confused or concerned about something and I feel her presence. I wonder if this is true for all people? Does everyone have something, music or movie or familiar taste or smell, that will bring comfort as if a hug from a dead loved one?

Things are tough all over they say. It was always tough with Mom. She hardly had enough to make the ends meet. This year was to be a small affair with little in the way of presents but full of love. I was kind of excited to share this with my girls teach them more about love than gifts... To our surprise we had a visit from Santa. Boy were my girls thrilled. I just wonder what if and can I be like Mom. Can I spin any new threat to be an adventure... huh.

I remember the changing of the year to 2000. My weren't we all paranoid. Bought too much food, stocked up on wild survival stuff... And then it was "just another New Year's Eve" with all the fireworks...all the drinking... all the food and all the FIREWORKS... lol ummmm.... welll..... :) Mmmmn Yeah, This year we watched as other people sent fireworks to the sky and played board games and made homemade dip and drank sparkling grape juice. The simplicity was heartwarming. It gave me new hope.

I can honestly say that I know tomorrow I will not be alone and my family will still be there and we will still continue to love each other. Its an amazing feeling loving each other. We are not always happy. We don't always agree, but we have love.

My youngest says to me "Mommy, Love is the most important thing right?" I respond, "Yes, baby... Love your family, friends and self." She smiles and adds "And dogs and cats and babies... Mommy? Do I have to love spiders?" I laugh and kiss her on her head for by this point she has usually crawled up in my lap. "I love you." I say...

"Its just another New Year's Eve, Its just another Auld Lang Syn, But When we are through this New Year, You'll See will be just fine."

Thank you Mom... Happy New Year Everyone. And If you haven't said I love you to someone you love yet this year! That should be your Resolution! Don't let anyone Forget they are loved!

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